About Geno's Garage
Way back thirty years ago, the editor-dude of the Turbo Diesel Register wanted a special gauge for his '96 Dodge/ Cummins Turbo Diesel. Impressed by a combination EGT/Boost Gauge used in a light aircraft application, he went in search of that gauge.
The big companies laughed and said, "We'll talk to you when you can order 1,000 pieces." He tracked down the vendor of the EGT/Boost gauge and was still shocked that he would have to order 25 units to get one for his truck.
Convinced that a "combo gauge" (as it has come to be known) was a great idea, he proceeded with the purchase. The thought behind his business plan: "I can sell the other 24 units to my diesel truck buddies." Thus, in 1996 Geno's Garage began its operation in Gene Warren's garage in Cumming, Georgia.

Gene (aka "Geno") retired in 2001 and was able to enjoy the "RV lifestyle" for several years. A stroke in 2011 gave us some challenges. Geno passed away in October 2015.

Those first business years were challenging, the hours long, and the pay minimal. But we saw the light at the end of the tunnel when we were able to move into our very own warehouse in July, 2000. In 2021 we added a second floor mezanine. And in 2023 we added a 750 sq. ft. extension onto the warehouse. We want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Although we've had a few days when we left the warehouse wondering if we'd be back the next day, these have been few.
Today we have the privilege each day of working with great customers and fine vendors. And our staff cannot be beat. If you've ever called in or e-mailed us, you have had the opportunity of working with one of 15 or so fine staff members who truly do try their best to make your purchase from Geno's Garage easy and hassle-free. And for those of you who have been on the receiving end of one of our errors (and I'm quite sure you know who you are), we appreciate your patience with us.

Our goal: Provide Ram Turbo Diesel truck owners with great customer service and high quality, fairly priced products. We want you to think of us as the place where you can go for information without "hype" or high-pressure sales pitches. Give us a call soon - keep us employed and out of Atlanta traffic!
We sincerely appreciate your business.